3Dconnexion driver crashes

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3Dconnexion driver crashes

Post by YerbaBoi »

So I just got ControlMyJoistick on steam and I used it for like an hour and it worked fine. I also tried it before in a trial version. However after using it for an hour I started getting error indicating 3dconnexion driver crashes. This happends immediately after running ControlMyJoistick. Restarting 3dxware when ControlMyJoistick results in another crash. I tried reinstalling both ControlMyJoistick and 3dxware drivers.
Here is the log:
SYSTEM> Starting up...
SYSTEM> Copying dist files...
SYSTEM> Copying ControlMyJoystick.xml...
SYSTEM> Loaded Profile: Tutorial 03 - Triggers.
DEVICES> Disconnecting from all targeted devices...
DEVICES> Disconnected.
DEVICES> Connnecting to targeted devices...
DEVICES> Connected to 0 devices.
3DXWARE> Error: ttcSI_DRIVER_NOT_RUNNING: Driver not running.
3DXWARE> **Driver initialization failed.
SYSTEM> Trigger UDP Server: Offline.
SYSTEM> Trigger TCP/IP Server: Offline.
DRIVER> Found Tetherscript Virtual Joystick driver.
DRIVER> Joystick driver reset.
DRIVER> Found Tetherscript Virtual Mouse driver.
DRIVER> Mouse driver reset.
DRIVER> Found Tetherscript Virtual Keyboard driver.
DRIVER> Keyboard driver reset.

I use space mouse pro.
Any ideas what might be causing it? Especially considering this started happening without any clear cause - it worked flawlessly until it just stopped.
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Re: 3Dconnexion driver crashes

Post by DevRuss »

Use the older version of the DxWare 64-bit drivers at

https://3dconnexion.com/us/archived-dri ... s-10-64bit

Drivers from 10.6.4 up to 10.6.8 work, but newer drivers don't because 3dconnexion made major changes to the SDK without letting anyone know about it.

In the next version of ControlMyJoystick, we'll just bypass the drivers entirely and read the HID values directly.
Russ - Tetherscript Developer
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Joined: Wed Feb 08, 2023 5:17 pm

Re: 3Dconnexion driver crashes

Post by YerbaBoi »

I'm glad to hear that new version is coming. Unfortunately I can not use the older drivers - I professionally work in Unreal 5.1 with my space mouse and I need newest drivers to work in unreal, so I guess I'll have to wait for the new version. Do you have any timeframe for the new version or is it still TBA?
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Re: 3Dconnexion driver crashes

Post by MacGoose »

May I ask when this new version will be? I'm on the fence after trying the demo on Steam and it crashes the driver all the time.

Other than that I hope it will make the SpaceMouse work in games. It looks like overkill for my needs though - all I need is a SpaceMouse joystick emulator and this have about the same number of menu options as MS Office.
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Re: 3Dconnexion driver crashes

Post by DevRuss »

Next version should be out in late 2023.
Russ - Tetherscript Developer
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