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Trouble Controlling Nikon V3

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2022 9:45 am
by whntx78731
I'm evaluating Version of ControlmyNikon. I want to use the software to manage a V3, but am having troubles getting the software to work as I think it should. First of all, I've gone through the very helpful list of things to try. I've tried 2 computers and 2 V3 bodies. Here's a quick summary of what I see:
1. The software connects to the V3.
2. The V3 is set in manual mode, but the shutter speed and fstop can't be changed.
3. No battery status is shown.
4. LiveView works, but when I press "Capture", nothing happens. The software says "capturing", but no picture is taken.
5. In regular mode, the same thing happens. The software says capturing, but no picture is taken.
6. Changing to storing on the card vs storing on computer makes no difference.
7. I've tried a Nikon D780 and the software seems to work ok.

I've tried an evaluation copy of Nikon's Camera Capture Pro software with the V3. It works, but seems slow. I've also tried digiCamControl. It allows me to set shutter speed, fstop, shows the battery status etc. but throws an error when I try to take a photo (MTP error 2008).

So, to summarize, I like what I see with ControlmyNikon, but could really use some help in diagnosing what's wrong.