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MP4 Video From Z6II stored by CMN as MOV

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2024 10:56 am
by LoneRider191
I'm testing out some video capture using CMN with my Z6II. The Movie settings in the camera save videos as .mp4 and I've verified that they are stored in the camera that way. However when I do a video recording from Live View on CMN, the process is successful and the video is transferred to the PC, but it is a .mov, not a .mp4 (the camera does still have the video as an .mp4). This doesn't bother me too much but I sometimes prefer the smaller .mp4 file size. In this case, I will likely switch to the .mov container on the camera anyway as I'm looking for a little better quality for some solar eclipse video, but I'm just wondering why the file is (apparently) transformed to .mov by CMN. Also, would the .mov version of the file still have full .mp4 compression (and, therefore, really be just .mp4 quality?). Would appreciate any clarification on this. TIA...

Re: MP4 Video From Z6II stored by CMN as MOV

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2024 7:19 pm
by DevRuss
It looks like this is a bug where it is saving mp4's, but saving it with a .mov extension. We'll get that fixed in a future release.

Not sure if the .mov still has a 30 min duration limit (Nikon-Apple licensing thing, I think).