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Dynamic key output and variable burst rate on analog axes

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 6:34 am
by DarkBlooster
Hi! :)

I have a SpaceNavigator and would like to use it as a jog dial / stick in SMPlayer. In this program you can jump single frames, small, medium and large steps forward and backward. Each with separate buttons.

Frameskip: , .
10 Seconds: DOWN UP
1 Minute: PgDown PgUp
5 Minutes: { }

I would like to control this with a single axis of the SpaceNavigator. For example, like this:

Deadzone: 0 to 150
Frameskip: 151 to 200
10 Seconds: 201 to 250
1 Minute: 251 to 300
5 Minutes: 301 to 350
(The values ​​describe the analog positions in one direction, as they are output by CMJ for my SpaceNavigator.)

Depending on the analog position, there should be a pause of at most 250ms to at least 20ms between the keystrokes output for each key area.

Re: Dynamic key output and variable burst rate on analog axes

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 8:47 pm
by DevRuss

This is an interesting suggested feature. I see what you mean....hmmm....this could be doable in a future version, but I'm not sure how to GUI this one out. I'll put it on the list for future consideration.

I encountered this issue myself with Camtasia Studio and was wondering how to solve it. I was going to create a driver for the jog wheel device, but there isn't much of a standard for support for that kind of driver.

Now you got me thinking again...
